Dreams in relation to Probable Events

If you have some idea of what the likely world is like, then investigate your own visions, checking for events that do not have a close similarity to the physical events of waking life. Seek for dream individuals in regular conscious life with which you are not familiar. Look for landscapes that are bizarre or exotic, and somewhere there are all of these. They have been viewed by you. In the room that you know, they do not exist, but they are not nonexistent, simple imaginary toys of the dreaming imagination, without substance.

 You will not be able to make sense of what seems to be a messy jungle of images and acts that are detached. The primary cause for your confusion is that an egotistical identity is unable to interpret structure that is not based on moments of consistency. Inside the probable scheme, the order is based on something that might be compared to subjective associations or intuitive bursts of intuition, interactions that would mix ingredients that could seem detached from the ego. They are fused here into fully integrated patterns of behavior.

Via arbitrary correlation, the possible dream structure does not attain its order, but the relatable word or theme and meaning there in is the best one can use to estimate the simple reasons for this dream order. Indeed, the activities within the dream and the order or structure of the dream are factual and concrete within that alternate system, for example, they lay defined in their own areas of truth. Only within its own area is your own being and device true and concrete, that placeholder and vacant definition of your non existent ego-centricity and identity within the dream. 

You not only detach from the physical field of reality in sleep, but also join other structures unfamiliar and observably alien to your waking state of being, an alternate and materially non-existent reality that you either enter and participate in, or share and co-create with others or other entities and thought forms, or by default on the basis of some poorly understood physiological or biological urge or need imagine into a 'dream'. 

Two key kinds of dreams that appear to include probabilities have been encountered. Personally-oriented visions in which we tend to imagine possible events that could have occurred or might happen in our usual world in the future. The odd worlds that depict cultures or civilizations that are substantially unfamiliar to us, but constructed on features that are at least familiar, include other kinds of visions. There are some of us who had these kinds of dream.